QUTE.sk will help to involve individual research teams in excellent international consortia, which will subsequently bring new opportunities and, last but not least, financial resources for further research.



QUTE.sk – Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia


+421 904 507 697

eduQUTE Events Popular

Celebrating World Quantum Day 2024: A Week of Quantum Exploration

In honor of World Quantum Day on April 14th, 2024, enthusiasts, scholars, and professionals around the globe came together to celebrate the marvels and advancements in quantum science and technology. Throughout the week, also here in Slovakia a series of captivating events unfolded, each offering unique insights into the realm of quantum mechanics and its profound implications for the future.

Druhá kvantová revolúcia: Unveiling the Second Quantum Revolution

The week kicked off with a mesmerizing popular science lecture titled “Druhá kvantová revolúcia” by Professor Vladimír Bužek. Dedicated to the general public, the event drew attendees into the captivating world of quantum mechanics. Prof. Bužek’s lecture not only explored the challenges and potential of the Second Quantum Revolution but also featured a lively discussion with Doc. Mário Ziman, moderated by Samuel Kováčik from Vedátor_sk. This interactive session provided attendees with the opportunity to delve deeper into the topics presented and engage in thought-provoking discourse.

More about the event here.

Prvý kvantový FEIK: Exploring Quantum Spookiness

Following the inaugural event, attention turned to students with “Prvý kvantový FEIK,” a lecture series organised by Accenture, and held at Campus Lab of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (FEI) of the Slovak University of Technology (STU). Led by industry experts Doc. Mgr. Mário Ziman and RNDr. Branislav Majerník, the event delved into the concept of quantum spookiness and its role in quantum communication networks. Students were treated to an informative session tailored to their academic interests, fostering a deeper understanding of quantum phenomena and their practical applications.

John Rarity: Quantum Photonic Device Engineering

Concluding the week was a prestigious event tailored for professionals in the field of Quantum Technology. Renowned expert John Rarity led a series of lectures on “Quantum Photonic Device Engineering,” offering valuable insights into cutting-edge research and applications. Addressing topics from single photon interference to quantum key distribution, Rarity’s lectures provided attendees with invaluable knowledge and expertise essential for advancing their careers in the field.

More about the event here.

As the week of events surrounding World Quantum Day 2024 drew to a close, attendees departed with a newfound appreciation for the groundbreaking developments in quantum science and technology. The diverse range of events catered to audiences of all backgrounds, from the general public to students and professionals, highlighting the widespread interest and importance of quantum exploration in shaping the future of science and technology.

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