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International billing information
Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
Headquarters: Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava
Reg.No.: 54255422
VAT ID: SK2121647792
IBAN: SK91 0200 0000 0045 3324 6458
Fakturačné údaje
Národné centrum pre kvantové technológie
Sídlo: Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava
IČO: 54255422
DIČ: 2121647792 (Nie sme platcami DPH.)
IČ DPH: SK2121647792 (podľa §7 zákona č. 222/2004 Z. z. Zákon o DPH)
IBAN: SK91 0200 0000 0045 3324 6458
Contact information
RNDr. Pavol Surovec
+421 904 507 697
+421 2 209 107 31
Getting to Bratislava

from Bratislava Airport
(10 km from Bratislava City Centre)
Bratislava Airport → Bus 61 → Main Railway Station (last stop)
from Vienna Airport
(50 km from Bratislava City Centre)
Vienna Airport → Bus → Bratislava Central Bus Station Mlynské Nivy

from Central Bus Station Mlynské Nivy
Central Bus Station Mlynské Nivy → Bus 21 → Patronka (4th stop)

Public transportation in Bratislava
Tickets must be marked (validated) immediately after boarding the means of transport. Available are e.g. time tickets for 30 or 60 minutes. You can find out more on the official website.
There is also an IDB SK application, in which tickets must be purchased at least 30 seconds before boarding the vehicle.

Driving by car
from Wien:
follow the direction Brno/Prague → Exit Karlova Ves/Patronka
from Brno/Prague:
Exit Centrum
from Trnava:
follow the direction Brno/Prague → Exit Karlova Ves/Patronka