Quantum rendezvous

The National Center for Quantum Technologies organized a meeting, the purpose of which was to inform about the nearest goals and activities in the field of quantum technologies and to connect representatives of the quantum community in Slovakia more closely.
June 29 - July 1, 2022
The registration is closed.
Conference fee:
180 EUR / person (+ 30 EUR / night in case of interest in a separate room).
In case of participation in only part of the program, the contribution is reduced aliquoted:
120 EUR for 2 days of participation,
or 60 EUR for 1 day
(+ supplement for a separate room).
In case of participation in only part of the program, the contribution is reduced aliquoted:
120 EUR for 2 days of participation,
or 60 EUR for 1 day
(+ supplement for a separate room).
Full program
Wednesday Jun 29
2 PM
Possibilities for the development of a quantum technologies in Slovakia
[in Slovak] PDF
3 PM
Quantum opportunities (from EU Quantum Flagship to QUTE.SK)
[in Slovak] PDF
4 PM Refreshments
5 PM
National center for quantum technologies – plans and activities of the association
[in Slovak] PDF
6:30 PM Dinner
Thursday Jun 30
9 AM
Tutorial: Introduction to quantum technologies
[in Slovak] PDF
Parallel session: QKD software focus group [in English]
10 AM
Tutorial: Concept of quantum computing
[in Slovak] PDF
Parallel session: QKD software focus group [in English]
11 AM Refreshments
11:30 PM
Tutorial: Quantum networks
12:30 PM Lunch
2 PM
Tutorial: Quantum networks
2:45 PM
eduQUTE and qWORLD activities
[in Slovak] PDF
3:30 PM Refreshments
4 PM
- Neilinger - Superconducting Parametric Amplifiers
- Grajcar - Jednofotónový detektor na báze supravodivého nanodrôtu
- Skyba - Superfluid 3He-B as a model system for Q-bit
- Gendiar - Tensor Networks & Entanglement
- Zajac - Post-quantum cryptography research at UIM FEI STU
- Sýs - Practical runtime verification of quantum-future communication software
- Koniorczyk - Simulating nonlocal no-signaling correlations
7 PM Dinner
Friday Jul 01
9 AM
Tutorial: Quantum security
[in Slovak]
10:30 AM Refreshments
11 PM
Tutorial: Programming of quantum Computers
[in Slovak]