We are pleased to announce that the fellowQUTE program is officially open for applications! This call represents a significant step towards one of our project’s key objectives: to establish an international training center for quantum technologies in Central-Eastern Europe. The fellowQUTE program is designed to foster scientific exchange, enhance collaboration, and provide competitive postdoctoral fellowships in the […]
Congratulations to Natália Salomé Móller on Winning the L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science Award!
We have a pleasure to announce that our distinguished colleague, Mgr. Natália Salomé Móller, PhD., has been honored with the prestigious L’Oréal – UNESCO For Women in Science Award in the category of Physical and Formal Sciences. This award is a testament to her outstanding contributions to the field of quantum physics and her dedication […]
Superconductivity Mini-Workshop held on April 29th and 30th, 2024 took place at the Auditorium QUTE, Institute of Physics, Bratislava. This event was a gathering of minds eager to delve into the latest advancements in superconductivity, correlated systems, altermagnetism, and transport within layered materials.
At QUTE.sk we aims to provide financial support for research/training visits of academic scholars and employees working in quantum technologies.
Cyber Security is one of the topics in the 11th edition of a successful annual IT conference OpenSlava2023 organized by Accenture in Slovakia. OpenSlava was created to connect the IT world with business, science and students, therefore we are honored that our colleague Dr. Djeylan Aktas will contribute to this topic with his presentation FULLY MESHED QUANTUM NETWORKS.
Ján Mečiar talked with director of Institute of Physic SAS – Mário Ziman about the details of the European project Slovak quantum communication infrastructure skQCI.
TA3: MIRRI spustilo projekt Slovenská kvantová komunikačná infraštruktúra TouchIT: Neprelomiteľná kvantová sieť sa na Slovensku stáva realitou – na zvýšenie kyberbezpečnosti a špičkové laboratóriá pôjde vyše 8 miliónov eur TREND: Základom vysoko bezpečného internetu má byť neprelomiteľná kvantová komunikačná sieť
The project is coordinated by Djeylan Aktas from Institute of Physics of Slovak Academy of Sciences and includes research teams from Comenius University (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informations), Slovak Academy of Sciences (Institute of Experimental Physics and Institute of Electrical Engineering) and International Laser Center of SCSTI.
During the winter semester of 2022, we are preparing a series of lectures that will approach the topic of Quantum computing. Where: SAS Computing Center in the campus on Patrónka in Bratislava.Time: 5 PM.Lectures will be held in Slovak.Free registration on: itkurzy.sav.sk/prednasky. Records of the lectures can be found on YouTube channels of the Center for […]
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