QUTE.sk will help to involve individual research teams in excellent international consortia, which will subsequently bring new opportunities and, last but not least, financial resources for further research.



QUTE.sk – Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia


+421 904 507 697

Upcoming events

Engage with our diverse events:

Key Quantum Technologies
Quantum sensors
Quantum sensors
The detector will enable implementation of quantum communication technologies, especially in the individual optical nodes of the quantum communication infrastructure.
Quantum simulator
Quantum simulator
Quantum simulations are one of the pillars of the Quantum Flagship, and the area where medium-sized and slightly noisy quantum chips developed in the near future are expected to have the greatest application.
Quantum communication network
Quantum communication network
The global economy is moving towards a new identity. In order to remain competitive and profitable, the banking and finance.
Quantum Computer
Quantum Computer
The goal is to obtain a quantum system whose computing capabilities far exceed the capabilities of classical computer simulations.
About us

The Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

QUTE.sk is a non-profit association that serves as the central coordination and support entity for all activities related to research and education in quantum technologies in Slovakia, including developing quantum technology systems and networks..

Our projects

We are currently working on following project

Slovak Quantum Communication Infrastructure
The skQCI project includes:
  • Deployment of national experimental quantum communication infrastructure
  • Designing a prototype of a superconducting single photon detector and cryogenic system
  • Establishing a quantum technology training center for students and postdocs

Project skQCI is part of the EuroQCI – a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the whole EU.

  • Project duration:
    01/01/2023 –
Key activities

Three executive components divided by type of activity:

Application activities

The construction of quantum communication infrastructure netQUTE as part of the European initiative euroQCI and development of single-photon detector for the needs of netQUTE

Scientific research

The creation of a virtual institute of quantum technologies iQUTE, which will bring together individual research teams

Educational and awareness-raising activities

The creation of an educational study program and the establishment of the international training center eduQUTE, which has the ambition to become an international training center of European importance

Opportunities for students

Expand your knowledge in quantum physics

We are pleased to announce a unique opportunity to further your career and expand your knowledge in quantum physics. We are accepting applications for postdoctoral research positions in our quantum physics department.

As a postdoc in Bratislava, you will earn:

Partners of the association

We actively cooperate with the following institutions

Opportunities for industries

Interested to learn potential quantum benefits for your business?

Partnership with QUTE.sk
  • Help to keep talents in Slovakia
  • Discover solutions to your problems using quantum technologies
  • Get a new perspective on your research, development and innovation
  • Collaborate on excellent research
  • Improve your employees’ knowledge of selected topics
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