The Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
QUTE.sk is a non-profit association that serves as the central coordination and support entity for all activities related to research and education in quantum technologies in Slovakia, including developing quantum technology systems and networks..
Three executive components divided by type of activity:
We are currently working on following project

Slovak Quantum Communication Infrastructure
The skQCI project includes:
- Deployment of national experimental quantum communication infrastructure
- Designing a prototype of a superconducting single photon detector and cryogenic system
- Establishing a quantum technology training center for students and postdocs
Project skQCI is part of the EuroQCI – a secure quantum communication infrastructure spanning the whole EU.
- Project duration:
01/01/2023 –

Quantum sensors

Quantum simulator

Quantum communication network

Quantum Computer
Interested to learn potential quantum benefits for your business?
Partnership with QUTE.sk
- Help to keep talents in Slovakia
- Discover solutions to your problems using quantum technologies
- Get a new perspective on your research, development and innovation
- Collaborate on excellent research
- Improve your employees’ knowledge of selected topics
We actively cooperate with the following institutions
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology STU Bratislava (Local coordinator: Pavol Zajac)
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU Bratislava (Local coordinator: Ivan Kotuliak)
Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava STU Bratislava (Local coordinator: Igor Halenár)
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, CU (Local coordinator: Miroslav Grajcar)
Faculty of Science UPJŠ (Local coordinator: Gabriel Semanišin)
Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS (Local coordinator: Vladimír Cambel)
Institute of Experimental Physics SAS (Local coordinator: Peter Skyba)
Institute of Physics SAS (Local coordinator: Mário Ziman)
International Laser Center of SCSTI (Local coordinator: Dušan Lorenc)
Mathematical Institute SAS (Local coordinator: Karol Nemoga)