QUTE.sk will help to involve individual research teams in excellent international consortia, which will subsequently bring new opportunities and, last but not least, financial resources for further research.



QUTE.sk – Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies

Dúbravská cesta 9, 841 04 Bratislava, Slovakia


+421 904 507 697

eduQUTE Research

Lectures about Quantum Computing

During the winter semester of 2022, we are preparing a series of lectures that will approach the topic of Quantum computing.

Where: SAS Computing Center in the campus on Patrónka in Bratislava.
Time: 5 PM.
Lectures will be held in Slovak.
Free registration on: itkurzy.sav.sk/prednasky.

  • 4. 10. – Úvod do fyziky kvantového počítania (zo záznamu)
    Vladimír Bužek, Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
  • 18. 10. – Kvantové výpočty a algoritmy (zo záznamu)
    Mário Ziman, Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
  • 8. 11. – Kvantové programovanie
    Daniel Reitzner, Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
  • 22. 11. – Kvantová zložitosť a simulácie
    Daniel Nagaj, Slovak National Center for Quantum Technologies
  • 7. 12. – Kvantové počítanie v praxi
    Zora Hollá, IBM Global Markets – Ecosystem

Records of the lectures can be found on YouTube channels of the Center for Joint Activities of the SAS.

More information on Quark.sk or www.informatikakukave.sk



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